999 für alle Dienste (Polizei, Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst) | 112 Euro-Notruf


Nordirland ▷_____

Parlament von Nordirland ▷_____

Regierung von Nordirland ▷_____



Englisch: FIRE BRIGADE (UK/Irland)

Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service ▷ www.nifrs.org – [FB] [TW] [WI] *1973.
Headquarters: 1 Seymour Street, Lisburn, BT27 4SX

Der Nor­thern Ire­land Fire and Res­cue Ser­vice (NIFRS) ist für rund 1,71 Mil­lio­nen Ein­woh­ner auf 13843 km² zu­stän­dig. Die vier ope­ra­ti­ven Kom­man­do­be­rei­che (Areas) Nord, Ost (Belfast), West und Süd des NIFRS sind in Dis­trik­te ge­glie­dert, die je­doch nicht mit den po­li­ti­schen Dis­trik­ten (Land­krei­sen) iden­tisch sind. Den „fire dis­tricts“ sind die rund 70 ört­li­chen Feu­er­wa­chen zu­ge­ord­net, die fast aus­schließ­lich stän­dig be­setzt sind und haupt­amt­lich be­trie­ben wer­den.

Ver­­ei­­nig­­tes Kö­­nig­­reich | Eng­land | Schott­land | Wales | Nord­ir­land | Kron­in­seln

Northern Ireland (Executive ≈ Government)

Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPSNI)

Northern Ireland Civil Contingencies Policy Branch.

Notruf- und Leitstellensystem ...?

Die Re­gi­o­nen von Nordirland

Landesteile (Areas): North, East, South, West.

Bezirke (Districts): 1. Antrim, 2. Ards, 3. Armagh, 4. Ballymena, 5. Ballymoney, 6. Banbridge, 7. Belfast, 8. Carrickfergus, 9. Castlereagh, 10. Coleraine, 11. Cookstown, 12. Craigavon, 13. Derry, 14. Down, 15. Dungannon and South Tyrone, 16. Fermanagh, 17. Larne, 18. Limavady, 19. Lisburn, 20. Magherafelt, 21. Moyle, 22. Newry and Mourne, 23. Newtownabbey, 24. North Down, 25. Omagh, 26. Strabane.

Nor­thern Area 

Eas­tern Area (Belfast)

Sou­thern Area 

Wes­tern Area 


Hillfs- und Ret­tungs­or­ga­ni­sa­ti­o­nen

Bri­tish Red Cross ▷ www.redcross.org.uk – [FB] [IN] [LI] [TT] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1870.


Polizei im Vereinigten Königreich – [WI]

Police Service of Northern Ireland ▷ www.psni.police.uk – [WI]




Pres­se und Me­di­en

Wikipedia ▷ Zeitungen im Vereinigten Königreich.

Dai­ly Ex­press ▷ www.express.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] *1900.

Dai­ly Mail ▷ www.dailymail.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [PI] [SC] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1896.

Dai­ly Mir­ror ▷ www.mirror.co.uk – [FB] [IN] [PI] [TT] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1903.

Dai­ly Re­cord (Schott­land)www.dailyrecord.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1895.

Dai­ly Star ▷ www.dailystar.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TT] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1978.

Eve­ning Stan­dard (Lon­don)www.standard.co.uk – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1827.

Fi­nan­cial Times ▷ www.ft.comFire Service – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1888.

Mor­ning Star ▷ www.morningstaronline.co.uk – [WI] *1930.

The Dai­ly Te­le­graph ▷ www.telegraph.co.uk – [FB] [IN] [LI] [SC] [WI] [YT] *1855.

The Guar­di­an ▷ www.theguardian.com – [FB] [IN] [LI] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1821.

The He­rald (Schott­land)www.heraldscotland.comFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] *1783.

The In­de­pen­dent ▷ www.independent.co.uk⌕Fire Service – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1986.

The Na­tio­nal (Schott­land)www.thenational.scot – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *2014.

The Ob­ser­ver ▷ www.theguardian.com/observer – [WI] *1791.

The Scots­man ▷ www.scotsman.com – [FB] [TW] [WI] *1817.

The Sun ▷ www.thesun.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [WI] [YT] *1964.

The Times (Lon­don)www.thetimes.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1785.

·PRESSREADER·Ver­ei­nig­tes Kö­nig­reich.


Ver­ei­nig­tes Kö­nig­reichEng­land | Lon­don | Schott­land | Wales | Nord­ir­land
Bri­ti­sche Au­ßen- und Über­see­ge­bie­te | In­seln der Kro­ne


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