
Eng­land | Uni­ted King­dom

999 für alle Dienste (Polizei, Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst) | 112 Euro-Notruf


England ist das gößte Land des Vereinigten Königreichs und gliedert sich in die Re­gio­nen East Mid­lands, East of Eng­land, Grea­ter Lon­don, North East Eng­land, North West Eng­land, South East Eng­land, South West Eng­land, West Mid­lands, York­shire and the Hum­ber, die wiederum aus Counties bestehen.




Fi­re­figh­ter Foun­da­tion ▷ www.firefighterfoundation.org.uk/history – [FB] [IN] [TW]

UK Fire Stations ▷ ·www.ukfirestations.co.uk· ·★★★· – [FB] [IN] [TW] ... Web­site by Alan Brough­ton.

Regionale Feuerwehren in England


  • CFB = Coun­ty Fi­re Bri­gade | FB = Fi­re Bri­gade | FRS = Fi­re and Res­cue Ser­vice 

Re­gi­on East Mid­landswww.emcouncils.gov.uk [FB] [GM]

Der­by­shire FRSwww.derbys-fire.gov.uk [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1947.

Lei­ces­ter­shire FRSleics-fire.gov.uk [FB] [LI] [TW] [VI] [WI] [YT] *1948/1974.

Lin­coln­shire FRS ▷ bei www.lincolnshire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1948/1974.

Northamp­ton­shire FRSwww.northantsfire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI] *1948/1974.

Not­ting­ham­shire FRSwww.notts-fire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1948/1974.

Re­gi­on East of Eng­landwww.eelga.gov.uk [FB] [GM] [WI]

Bed­ford­shire FRSwww.bedsfire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1997.

Cam­bridge­shire FRSwww.cambsfire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1974.

Es­sex Coun­ty FRSwww.essex-fire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1948.

Hert­ford­shire FRSwww.hertfordshire.gov.uk/fire [FB] [WI] *1925.

Nor­folk FRS ▷ bei www.norfolk.gov.uk/safety [FB] [WI] *1948.

Suf­folk FRSwww.suffolk.gov.uk/fire [FB] [WI] *1948.

Re­gi­on Grea­ter Lon­donwww.london.gov.uk [FB] [GM] [WI] [YT]

Lon­don FBwww.london-fire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI] *1833.

Stadt­be­zir­ke: Bar­king and Da­gen­ham, Bar­net, Bex­ley, Brent, Brom­ley, Cam­den, Ci­ty of Lon­don, Ci­ty of West­mins­ter, Croy­don, Ea­ling, En­field, Green­wich, Hack­ney, Ham­mer­smith and Ful­ham, Ha­rin­gey, Har­row, Ha­ve­ring, Hil­ling­don, Houns­low, Is­ling­ton, Ken­sing­ton and Chel­sea, Kings­ton, Lam­beth, Le­wis­ham, Mer­ton, New­ham, Red­bridge, Rich­mond, South­wark, Sut­ton, To­wer Ham­lets, Walt­ham Fo­rest, Wands­worth, West­mins­ter.

Re­gi­on North East Eng­landwww.eelga.gov.uk [FB] [GM] [WI]

Cleve­land FBwww.clevelandfire.gov.uk [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI]

Coun­ty Dur­ham and Dar­ling­ton FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk *1948.

North­um­ber­land FRSwww.northumberland.gov.uk/fire [FB] [WI] *1948/1974.

Tyne and Wear FRSwww.twfire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT]

Re­gi­on North West Eng­land [FB] [GM] [WI]

Che­shire FRSwww.cheshirefire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1948.

Cum­bria FRSwww.cumbria.gov.uk/cumbriafire [FB] [WI] *1948/1974.

Grea­ter Man­ches­ter FRSwww.manchesterfire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1974.

Lan­ca­shire FRSwww.lancsfirerescue.org.uk [FB] [WI]

Mer­sey­side FRSwww.merseyfire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1974.

Re­gi­on South East Eng­land [FB] [GM]

Bu­cking­ham­shire FRSbucksfire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1997.

East Sus­sex FRSwww.esfrs.org [FB] [WI]

Hamp­shire and Isle of Wight FRSwww.hantsfire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *2021.

Kent FRSwww.kent.fire-uk.org [FB] [TW] [WI]

Ox­ford­shire FRSwww.oxfordshire.gov.uk/fire [FB] [WI]

Roy­al Berk­shire FRSwww.rbfrs.co.uk [FB] [WI]

Sur­rey FRSwww.surreycc.gov.uk/fire [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT]

West Sus­sex FRSwww.westsussex.gov.uk/fire [FB] [WI]

Re­gi­on South West Eng­land [FB] [GM]

Avon FRSwww.avonfire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1974.

Corn­wall FRSwww.cornwall.gov.uk/fire [FB] [WI]

De­von and So­mer­set FRSwww.dsfire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI] *2007.

Dor­set and Wilt­shire FRSwww.dwfire.org.uk [FB] [WI] *2016.

Glou­ces­ter­shire FRSwww.gloucestershire.gov.uk/glosfire [FB] [WI]

Is­les of Scil­ly FRS ▷ bei www.scilly.gov.uk [FB] [WI]

Re­gi­on West Mid­lands [FB] [GM] [WI]

Here­ford and Wor­ces­ter FRSwww.hwfire.org.uk [FB] [WI] *1974.

Shrop­shire FRSwww.shropshirefire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1948.

Staf­ford­shire FRSwww.staffordshirefire.gov.uk [FB] [WI] *1974.

War­wick­shire FRSwww.warwickshire.gov.uk/fireandrescue [FB] [WI] *1948.

West Mid­lands FRSwww.wmfs.net [FB] [WI]

Re­gi­on York­shire and the Hum­berwww.lgyh.gov.uk◾[FB] [GM]

Hum­ber­side FRSwww.humbersidefire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI] *1974.

North York­shire FRSwww.northyorksfire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI]

South York­shire FRSwww.syfire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI]

West York­shire FRSwww.westyorksfire.gov.uk [FB] [TW] [WI] *1974.

Fire Engine Photos ▷ www.fire-engine-photos.comUni­ted King­dom.

Zuständiges Ministerium: Cabinet Office ▷ bei www.gov.uk/government ·

National Security Council ▷ bei www.gov.uk/government ·

UK Resilience ▷ bei www.gov.uk/government ·

Civil Defence Association ▷ www.civildefenceassociation.uk ·

ECHOec.europa.eu/echoUnited Kingdom.

ReliefWeb ▷ www.reliefweb.intUnited Kingdom of GB and NI.

ThinkHazard ▷ www.thinkhazard.orgEngland (UK).

UK Met Office (UKMO) ▷ www.metoffice.gov.uk – [TW]


Brandkatastrophen in der britischen Geschichte ▷ bei www.fire-risk-assessment-network.com ·

Bri­tish Fi­re Ser­vice His­tory (Face­book-Grup­pe) ▷ [FB]

Wikipedia ▷ List of British firefighters killed in the line of duty.



Re­gio­nen und Coun­ties

East Mid­lands


Area/Places: Stadt Derby und acht Distrikte.

Derbyshire County ▷ www.derbyshire.gov.uk – [FB] [LI] [TW] [WI] [YT]

Der­by­shire FRSwww.derbys-fire.gov.uk – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1947.
Head­quar­ters: Butterley Hall, Ripley, Derby DE5 3RS

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion (31)

·Am­ber Val­ley Dis­trict·www.ambervalley.gov.uk [WI]

Al­fre­ton CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Bel­per CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Crich CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Hea­nor CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Rip­ley CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·Bolsover Dis­trict·www.bolsover.gov.uk – [WI]

Bol­so­ver CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Clowne CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Shire­brook CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·Chesterfield Dis­trict·www.chesterfield.gov.uk – [WI]

Ches­ter­field CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Sta­ve­ley CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·Derby Dis­trict·www.derby.gov.uk – [WI]

As­cot Drive CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Kings­way CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Not­ting­ham Road CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·Derbyshire Dales Dis­trict·www.derbyshiredales.gov.uk – [WI]

Ash­bourne CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Bake­well CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Brad­well CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Ha­ther­sage CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Mat­lock CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Wirks­worth CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·Erewash Dis­trict·www.erewash.gov.uk – [WI]

Duf­field CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Long Ea­ton CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Il­kes­ton CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·High Peak Dis­trict·www.highpeak.gov.uk – [WI]

Bux­ton CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Cha­pel-en-le-Frith CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Glos­sop CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

New Mills CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Wha­ley Bridge CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·North East Derbyshire Dis­trict·www.ne-derbyshire.gov.uk – [WI]

Clay Cross CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Dron­field CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

·South Derbyshire Dis­trict·www.southderbyshire.gov.uk – [WI]

Mel­bourne CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·

Swad­lin­cote CFS ▷ bei www.derbys-fire.gov.uk/community ·


Area: __________

Lei­ces­ter­shire Coun­ty ▷ www.leicestershire.gov.uk – [WI]

Lei­ces­ter­shire FRSwww.leics-fire.gov.uk – [FB] [LI] [TW] [VI] [WI] [YT] *1947.
Head­quar­ters …

FRS = Fi­re and Res­cue Sta­tion (20 stations)

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·

Ash­by FRS

Billesdon FRS

Birstall FRS

Castle Donington FRS

Central FRS ▷ bei www.leics-fire.gov.uk ·

Coalville FRS

Eastern FRS

Hinckley FRS

Kibworth FRS

Loughborough FRS

Lutterworth FRS

Market Bosworth FRS

Market Harborough FRS

Melton FRS

Oakham FRS ▷ bei www.leics-fire.gov.uk ·

Shepshed FRS

Southern FRS

Uppingham FRS

Western FRS

Wigston FRS ▷ bei www.leics-fire.gov.uk ·


Area: __________

Lin­coln­shire Coun­ty Coun­cil ▷ www.lincolnshire.gov.uk – [WI]

Lin­coln­shire FRSwww.lincolnshire.gov.uk/lincolnshire-fire-rescue – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1948/1974.

Head­quar­ters: Deepdale Lane, Nettleham, Lincoln LN2 2LT 

Trai­ning Cen­tre: Sleaford Road, Lincoln LN5 9FG 

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (38 stations)

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·

Alford FS

Bardney FS

Billingborough FS

Billinghay FS

Binbrook FS

Boston FS

Bourne FS

Brant Broughton FS

Caistor FS

Corby Glen FS

Crowland FS

Donington FS

Gainsborough FS

Grantham FS

Holbeach FS

Horncastle FS

Kirton FS

Leverton FS

Lincoln North FS

Lincoln South FS

Long Sutton FS

Louth FS

Mablethorpe FS

Market Deeping FS

Market Rasen FS

Metheringham FS

North Hykeham FS

North Somercotes FS

Saxilby FS

Skegness FS

Slea­ford Am­bu­lance and Fi­re Sta­tion

Spalding FS

Spilsby FS

Stamford FS

Waddington FS

Wainfleet FS

Woodhall Spa FS

Wragby FS


Area: __________

Northamptonshire County ▷ www.northamptonshire.gov.uk ·

Northamp­ton­shire FRSwww.northantsfire.gov.uk – [FB] [TW] [WI]
Head­quar­ters: ...

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (22 stations)

·PLACES AND Sta­tions·www.northantsfire.gov.uk/our-stations ·

Brackley FS

Brixworth FS

Burton Latimer FS

Corby FS

Daventry FS

Desborough FS

Earls Barton FS

Guilsborough FS

Irthlingborough FS

Kettering FS

Long Buckby FS

Mereway FS

Moulton FS

Oundle FS

Raunds FS

Rothwell FS

Rushden FS

The Mounts FS

Thrapston FS

Towcester FS

Wellingborough FS

Woodford Halse FS


Area: __________

Nottinghamshire County ▷ www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk ·

Nottinghamshire FRSwww.notts-fire.gov.uk – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1947.

Po­lice and Fi­re/Res­cue Joint Head­quar­ters ▷ bei www.notts-fire.gov.uk ·
Sher­wood Lodge Drive, Ar­nold, Not­ting­ham NG5 8PP

Ser­vice De­ve­lop­ment Cen­tre ▷ bei www.notts-fire.gov.uk ·
Du­ke­ries Com­plex, Main Road, Boughton NG22 9JE

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (24 sta­tions)

·Pla­ces and Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.notts-fire.gov.uk ·

Ar­nold FS

Ashfield FS

Bingham FS ▷ bei www.notts-fire.gov.uk ·

Blidworth FS

Carlton FS

Collingham FS

East Leake FS

Eastwood FS

Edwinstowe FS

Harworth FS

Highfields FS

Hucknall FS

Lon­don Road FS ▷ bei www.notts-fire.gov.uk ·

Mansfield FS

Misterton FS

Newark FS

Retford FS

Southwell FS

Stapleford FS

Stockhill FS

Tuxford FS

Warsop FS

West Bridg­ford FS

Worksop FS

East of Eng­land


Area: Bedford, Central Bedfordshire und Luton.

Bed­ford­shire (Tou­ris­mus) ▷ bei www.tripadvisor.de – [WI]

Bed­ford­shire FRSwww.bedsfire.gov.uk – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI]

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion (14 stations)

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·

Ampthill CFS

Bedford CFS

Biggleswade CFS

Dunstable CFS

Harrold CFS

Kempston CFS

Leighton Buzzard CFS

Luton CFS

Potton CFS

Sandy CFS

Shefford CFS

Stopsley CFS

Toddington CFS

Woburn CFS


Area: Cam­bridge, East and South Cam­bridge­shire, Fen­land, Hun­ting­don­shire, Pe­ter­bo­rough.

Cam­bridge­shire Coun­ty Coun­cil ▷ www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk – [FB] [WI] *1974.

Cam­bridge­shire FRSwww.cambsfire.gov.uk – [FB] [WI]

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion | CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion (27 stations)

·Pla­ces and Sta­tions·www.cambsfire.gov.uk/find-a-fire-station ·

Burwell FS

Cambourne FS

Chatteris FS

Cottenham FS

Dogsthorpe FS

Ely FS

Gamlingay FS

Huntingdon FS

Kimbolton FS

Linton FS

Littleport FS

Manea FS

March FS

Parkside Place CFS

Pe­ter­bo­rough VFB

Ramsey FS

Sawston FS

Sawtry FS

Soham FS

Saint Ives FS

Saint Ne­ots FS

Stanground FS

Sutton FS

Thorney FS

Whittlesey FS

Wisbech FS

Yaxley FS

Es­sex Coun­ty

Area: __________

_____ County ▷ _____

Essex FRSwww.essex-fire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

_____ County ▷ _____

Hertfordshire FRS ▷ bei www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

_____ County ▷ _____

Nor­folk FRS ▷ bei www.norfolk.gov.uk/safety – [FB] [WI] *1948.

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

Suf­folk Coun­ty ▷ www.suffolk.gov.uk – [WI]

Suffolk FRSwww.suffolk.gov.uk/fire – [FB] [TW]

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.suffolk.gov.uk ·



Grea­ter Lon­don 

Cleveland Fire Brigadewww.clevelandfire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



Coun­ty Dur­ham and Dar­ling­ton

Area: __________

County Durham ▷ _____

Darlington County ▷ _____

Coun­ty Dur­ham and Dar­ling­ton FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] *1948.

North Di­vi­sionwww.ddfire.gov.uk/north-division ·

High Han­den­hold FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/high-handenhold-fire-station ·

Con­sett FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/consett-community-fire-station ·

Sea­ham FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/seaham-fire-station ·

Pe­ter­lee FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/peterlee-fire-station ·

Wheat­ley Hill FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/wheatley-hill-fire-station ·

Dur­ham FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/durham-fire-station ·

Stan­hope FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/stanhope-fire-station ·

Crook FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/crook-fire-station ·

South Di­vi­sionwww.ddfire.gov.uk/south-division ·

Spen­ny­moor FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/spennymoor-community-fire-station ·

Sedge­field FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/sedgefield-fire-station ·

New­ton Ay­clif­fe FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/newton-aycliffe-fire-station ·

Bi­shop Auck­land FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/bishop-auckland-community-fire-station ·

Mid­dle­ton-in-Tees­dale FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/middleton-teesdale-fire-station ·

Bar­nard Cas­tle FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/barnard-castle-emergency-services ·

Dar­ling­ton FRSwww.ddfire.gov.uk/darlington-fire-station ·


Area: __________

North­um­ber­land Coun­ty Coun­cil ▷ www.northumberland.gov.uk – [WI]

North­um­ber­land FRSwww.northumberlandfireandrescue.gov.uk – [FB] [IN] [LI] [TW] [WI] *1948/1974.

FRS = Fi­re and Rescue Service

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·

Al­len­dale FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Aln­wick FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Am­ble FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Bel­ford FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Bel­ling­ham FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Ber­wick FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Halt­whis­tle FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Hex­ham FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Holy Is­land FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Pegs­wood FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Pon­te­land FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Prud­hoe FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Roth­bu­ry FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Sea­hou­ses FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

West Hart­ford FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Woo­ler FRS ▷ bei www.northumberland.gov.uk ·

Tyne and Wear

Area: __________

Tyne and Wear Lieute­nan­cy ▷ www.tynewearlieutenancy.org.uk – [WI]

Tyne and Wear FRSwww.twfire.gov.uk – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT]
Head­quar­ters …

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

Gates­headwww.gateshead.gov.uk – [FB] [GM] [WI] [YT]

Birt­ley CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Chop­well CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Gates­head CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Swal­well CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

New­cas­tle upon Tynewww.newcastle.gov.uk – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT]
Part­ner­schaft mit Gel­sen­kir­chen (NRW) seit 1948.

By­ker CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Gos­forth CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

New­cas­tle Cen­tral CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

West Den­ton CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

North Tyne­sidewww.northtyneside.gov.uk – [FB] [WI]
Part­ner­schaft mit Mön­chen­glad­bach (NRW) seit 1958 und mit Oer-Erken­schwick (Kreis Reck­ling­hau­sen (NRW) seit 1972.

Tyne­mouth CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Walls­end CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

South Tyne­sidewww.southtyneside.gov.uk – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI]
Part­ner­schaft mit Wup­per­tal (NRW) seit 1951.

Heb­burn CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

South Shields CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Sun­der­landwww.sunderland.gov.uk – [WI]
Part­ner­schaft mit Es­sen (NRW) seit 1949.

Far­ring­don CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Mar­ley Park CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Rain­ton Bridge CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Sun­der­land Cen­tral CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

Wa­shing­ton CFS ▷ bei www.twfire.gov.uk ·

North West Eng­land


Area: __________

Che­shire Coun­ty Coun­cil – [WI]

Che­shire FRSwww.cheshirefire.gov.uk – [FB] [WI] *1948.

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Al­sa­ger FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Aud­lem FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Birch­wood FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Bol­ling­ton FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Ches­ter FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Cle­monds-Hey FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Con­gle­ton FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Crewe FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

El­les­mere-Port FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Frods­ham FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Holmes-Cha­pel FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Knuts­ford FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Lymm FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Mac­cles­field FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Mal­pas FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Mid­dle­wich FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Nant­wich FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

North­wich FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Pen­keth FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Po­wey-Lane FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Poyn­ton FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Run­corn FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Sad­ler-Road FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Sand­bach FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Stock­ton-Heath FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Tar­por­ley FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

War­ring­ton FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Wid­nes FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Wilms­low FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·

Wins­ford FS ▷ bei www.cheshirefire.gov.uk ·


Area: __________

Cum­bria Coun­ty Coun­cil ▷ www.cumbria.gov.uk – [WI]

Cum­bria FRSwww.cumbria.gov.uk/cumbriafire – [FB] [WI] *1948/1974.

FS = Fire Station

Al­ler­dale and Cope­land ▷ bei www.cumbria.gov.uk/cumbriafire/firestations ·

Aspatria FS ·

Bootle FS ·

Cockermouth FS ·

Egremont FS ·

Frizington FS ·

Keswick FS ·

Maryport FS ·

Millom FS ·

Seascale FS ·

Silloth FS ·

Whitehaven FS ·

Wigton FS ·

Workington FS ·

Bar­row and South Lake­land ▷ bei www.cumbria.gov.uk/cumbriafire/firestations ·

Ambleside FS ·

Arnside FS ·

Barrow FS ·

Broughton FS ·

Coniston FS ·

Grange FS ·

Kendal FS ·

Kirkby Lonsdale FS ·

Milnthorpe FS ·

Sedbergh FS ·

Staveley FS ·

Ulverston FS ·

Walney FS ·

Windermere FS ·

Car­li­sle and Eden ▷ bei www.cumbria.gov.uk/cumbriafire/firestations ·

Alston FS ·

Appleby FS ·

Brampton FS ·

Carlisle East and West FS ·

Kirkby Stephen FS ·

Lazonby FS ·

Longtown FS ·

Patterdale FS ·

Penrith FS ·

Shap FS ·

Grea­ter Man­ches­ter

Area: __________

Grea­ter Man­ches­ter Coun­ty Coun­cil – [WI]

Greater Manchester FRSwww.manchesterfire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

_____ County ▷ _____

Lancashire FRSwww.lancsfirerescue.org.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

_____ County ▷ _____

Merseyside FRSwww.merseyfire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



South East Eng­land


Area: __________

_____ County ▷ _____

Bu­cking­ham­shire FRSbucksfire.gov.uk – [FB] [WI] *1997.

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



East Sus­sex  

Area: East Sussex County and City of Brighton and Hove.

_____ County ▷ _____

East Sus­sex FRSwww.esfrs.org – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI]

Joint Con­trol Room: Salfords, Surrey.

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion (24 sta­tions in three groups).

·Cen­tral Group· = East­bourne and Weal­den Region
Adress: Whitley Road (Eastbourne CFS), Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 8LA

Crowborough FS

Eastbourne FS

Forest Row FS

Hailsham FS

Heathfield FS

Herstmonceux FS

Mayfield FS

Pevensey FS

Uck­fieldwww.uckfieldtc.gov.uk – [WI]
Part­ner­schaft mit Quick­born (Kreis Pin­ne­berg, Schles­wig-Hol­stein) seit 1990.

Uckfield FS

Wadhurst FS

·East Group· = Has­tings and Ro­ther Region 
Adress: Bohemia Road (Hastings CFS), Hastings, East Sussex TN34 1EX

Battle FS

Bexhill FS

Broad Oak FS

Burwash FS

Has­tingswww.hastings.gov.uk – [WI]
Part­ner­schaft mit Schwer­te (Kreis Un­na, NRW) seit 1982.

Bohemia Road FS

The Ridge FS

Rye FS

·West Group·  = Brigh­ton-Hove-Lewes Region
Adress: English Close (Hove CFS), Hove, East Sussex BN3 7EE

Barcombe FS

Hove FS

Lewes FS

Newhaven FS

Preston Circus FS

Roedean FS

Seaford FS

Hamp­shire and Isle of Wight  

Area: __________

Hamp­shire Coun­ty Coun­cil ▷ __________ ·

Is­le of Wight ▷ __________ ·

Hampshire FRS und Isle of Wight FRS fusionierten am 1. April 2021 zum
Hamp­shire and Isle of Wight FRSwww.hantsfire.gov.uk – [FB] [WI] *2021.

Joint Headquarters of the Hampshire Constabulary and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight FRS in Eastleigh ...

FS = Fire Station

·East­leigh-Fareham-Gosport Dis­trict·

Botley FS (38) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

East­leigh FS (32) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Fareham FS (17) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Gosport FS (18) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Hamble FS (55) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Portchester FS (28) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

·Havant and East Hampshire Dis­trict·

Alton FS (05) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Bordon FS (03) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Emsworth FS (26) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Grayshott FS (07) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Havant FS (16) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Hayling Island FS (21) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Horndean FS (25) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Liphook FS (13) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Petersfield FS (29) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Waterlooville FS (19) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

·Isle of Wight Dis­trict·

Bembridge FS (75) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Cowes FS (72) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

East Cowes FS (73) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Freshwater FS (79) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Newport FS (71) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Ryde FS (74) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Sandown FS (76) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Shanklin FS (77) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Vent­nor FS (78) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Yarmouth FS (80) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

·New Forest Dis­trict·

Beaulieu FS (49) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Brockenhurst FS (50) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Burley FS (52) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Fordingbridge FS (47) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Hardley FS (58) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Hythe FS (44) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Lymington FS (43) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Lyndhurst FS (48) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

New Milton FS (51) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Ringwood FS (45) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Totton FS (46) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

·North East Hampshire Dis­trict·

Basingstoke FS (01) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Fleet FS (04) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Hartley Wintney FS (08) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Kingsclere FS (09) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Odiham FS (10) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Overton FS (11) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Rushmoor FS (02) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Tadley FS (12) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Whitchurch FS (06) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Yateley FS (14) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

·Portsmouth Dis­trict·

Cosham FS (23) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Southsea FS (24) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

·Southampton Dis­trict·

Hightown FS (56) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Redbridge FS (53) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

St. Mary's FS (54) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

·Winchester and Test Valley Dis­trict·

Alresford FS (36) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Andover FS (31) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Bishops Waltham FS (40) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Droxford FS (41) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Romsey FS (33) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Stockbridge FS (34) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Sutton Scotney FS (35) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Wickham FS (22) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·

Winchester FS (30) ▷ bei www.hantsfire.gov.uk ·


Area: __________

Kent County Council ▷ www.kent.gov.uk ·

Kent FRSwww.kent.fire-uk.org – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT]
Head­quar­ters …

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (station number inside Kent)

·PLACES AND Sta­tions·www.kent.fire-uk.org/about-us/fire-stations ·

Aldington FS (15)
Lympne Road, Aldington TN25 7DJ

Ash-cum-Ridley FS (34)
Chapel Wood Road, Ash TN15 7BF

Ashford FS (11)
Henwood Industrial Estate, Kingswood, Ashford TN24 8YF

Aylesham FS (81)
Boulevard Courrieres, Aylesham CT3 3DU

Borough Green FS (67)
Western Road, Borough Green TN15 8AQ

Canterbury FS (80)
Upper Bridge Street, Canterbury CT1 2NH

Channel Tunnel Emergency Centre FS (66)
Withheld, Folkestone Withheld

Charing FS (14)
School Lane, Charing TN27 0JN

Chatham FS (43)
Watling Street, Chatham ME5 7HQ

Chilham FS (12)
Taylors Hill, Chilham CT4 8BZ

Cliffe FS (36)
Church Street, Cliffe ME3 7QB

Cranbrook FS (24)
High Street, Cranbrook TN17 3EN

Dartford FS (30)
Watling Street, Dartford DA2 6EG

Deal FS (91)
London Road, Deal CT14 9TB

Dover FS (16)
Ladywell, Dover CT16 1DG

Dymchurch FS (22)
Mill Road, Dymchurch TN29 0NY

Eastchurch FS (49)
Church Road, Eastchurch ME12 4DH

Eastry FS (92)
Mill Lane, Eastry CT13 0JW

Edenbridge FS (70)
High Street, Edenbridge TN8 5AY

Faversham FS (84)
Ashford Road, Faversham ME13 8XL

Folkestone FS (19)
Park Farm Road, Folkestone CT19 5LT

Grain FS (38)
Chapel Road, Grain ME3 0BT

Hawkhurst FS (25)
Ockley Road, Hawkhurst TN18 4DS

Headcorn FS (63)
Station Road, Headcorn TN27 9SA

Herne Bay FS (86)
High Street, Herne Bay CT6 5NG

Hoo FS (37)
St Werburgh Crescent, Hoo ME3 9HL

Hythe FS (21)
Wakefield Road, Hythe CT21 6HU

Larkfield FS (65)
New Hythe Lane, Larkfield ME20 6PP

Lenham FS (62)
High Street, Lenham ME17 2QB

Lydd FS (23)
High Street, Lydd TN29 9DF

Maidstone FS (60)
Loose Road, Maidstone ME15 9QB

Marden FS (64)
Pattenden Lane, Marden TN12 9QJ

Margate FS (87)
Grovesnor Gardens, Margate CT9 1LF

New Romney FS (20)
Church Road, New Romney TN28 8EX

Paddock Wood FS (73)
Maidstone Road, Paddock Wood TN12 8DF

Rainham FS (44)
Solomon Road, Rainham ME8 8ED

Ramsgate FS (90)
Newington Road, Ramsgate CT11 0QX

Rochester FS (50)
Marconi Way, Rochester ME1 2XQ

Sandwich FS (93)
Ash Road, Sandwich CT13 9HZ

Partnerschaft mit Rheinbach (Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, NRW) seit 2000.

Sevenoaks FS (68) ▷ www.geograph.org.uk/photo/471975 (Foto)
68 London Road, Sevenoaks TN13 2HY 

Sheppey FS (48)
High Street, Sheerness ME12 1UN

Sittingbourne FS (45)
St Michaels Road, Sittingbourne ME10 3DN

Southborough FS (76)
London Road, Southborough TN4 0BB

Strood FS (39)
Gravesend Road, Strood ME2 3QT

Swanley FS (31)
London Road, Swanley BR8 7AE

Swanscombe FS (33)
The Grove, Swanscombe DA10 0AD

Tenterden FS (26)
Ashford Road, Tenterden TN30 6BT

Teynham FS (46)
Station Road, Teynham ME9 9SN

Thames-Side FS (35)
Coldharbour Road, Northfleet DA11 8NT

Tonbridge FS (72)
Vale Road, Tonbridge TN9 1SW

Tunbridge Wells FS (74)
Grove Hill Road, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1SD

Urban Search and Rescue Centre FS (61)
Loose Road, Maidstone ME15 9QB

Westerham FS (69)
Croydon Road, Westerham TN16 1TS

Westgate FS (88)
Osbourn Avenue, Westgate CT8 8NH

Whitfield FS (18)
Sandwich Road, Whitfield CT16 3LZ

Whitstable FS (85)
Borstal Hill, Whitstable CT5 4NA

Wingham FS (83)
Staple Road, Wingham CT3 1AL

Wye FS (13)
Little Chequers, Wye TN25 5DT


Area: ______________

_____ Coun­ty ▷ _____ ·

Oxfordshire FRS ▷ bei www.oxfordshire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



Roy­al Berk­shire  

Area: ______________

_____ County ▷ _____

Royal Berkshire FRSwww.rbfrs.co.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

_____ County ▷ _____

Surrey FRSwww.surreycc.gov.uk/fire ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



West Sus­sex 

Area: ______________

_____ Coun­ty ▷ _____ ·

West Sussex FRSwww.westsussex.gov.uk/fire ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



South West Eng­land


Area: ______________

_____ County ▷ _____

Avon FRSwww.avonfire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: ______________ .

_____ Coun­ty ▷ _____ ·

Cornwall CFBwww.cornwall.gov.uk/fire ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



De­von and So­mer­set  

Area: _______________ .

De­von Coun­ty ▷ ______ ·

So­mer­set Coun­ty ▷ ___ ·

Devon and Somerset FRSwww.dsfire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



Dor­set and Wilt­shire 

Area: __________

Dor­set Coun­ty ▷ __________ ·

Wilt­shire Coun­ty ▷ __________ ·

Dorset FRSwww.dwfire.org.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: ______________ .

_____ Coun­ty ▷ _____ ·

Gloucestershire FRSwww.gloucestershire.gov.uk/glosfire ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



Is­les of Scil­ly  

Sechs be­wohn­te (Bry­her, Gugh, St. Ag­nes, St. Mar­tin’s, St. Ma­ry’s, Tres­co) und 15 un­be­wohn­te In­seln.

Coun­cils of the Is­les of Scil­ly ▷ www.scilly.gov.uk – [FB] [TW] [WI]

Is­les of Scil­ly FRSwww.scilly.gov.uk/community-safety/fire-rescue – [FB] [WI]

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (5+1)

·Pla­ces and Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·

Bry­her ▷ bei www.cornwall-online.co.uk – [WI]
Bry­her FS ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·
Tim­my's Hill, South'Ard, Bry­her, Isles of Scilly TR23 0PR

Gugh – [WI] – no fire station.

Saint Ag­nes – [WI]
Saint Ag­nes FS ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·
Town Farm, Old Lane, St. Ag­nes, Isles of Scilly TR22 0PL

Saint Mar­tin'swww.carronfarm.co.uk/stmartins – [CAM] [WI]
Saint Mar­tin's FS ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·
St. Mar­tin's Road, Church­town, St. Mar­tin's, Isles of Scilly TR25 0QL

Saint Ma­ry's – [WI]
Saint Ma­ry's FS ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·
Porth­mel­lon Bu­si­ness Park, St. Ma­ry's, Isles of Scilly TR21 0JY

Saint Ma­ry's Air­port | EGHE | ISC ▷ bei www.scilly.gov.ukAir­port FRS – [WI]
High Cross Lane, St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly TR21 0NG

Tres­co – [WI]
Tres­co FS ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·
New Grims­by, Tres­co, Isles of Scilly TR24 0QQ

West Mid­lands

Here­ford and Wor­ces­ter  

Area: __________

Here­ford­shire ▷ ____________ ·

Wor­ces­ter­shire ▷ ____________ ·

Hereford and Worcester FRSwww.hwfire.org.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

Shropshire FRSwww.shropshirefire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

Staffordshire FRSwww.staffordshirefire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

Warwickshire FRSwww.warwickshire.gov.uk/fireandrescue ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·



West Mid­lands (County)

Area: __________

West Midlands FRSwww.wmfs.net – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1974.

Head­quar­ters: 99 Vaux­hall Road, Bir­ming­ham B7 4HW

Birminghamwww.birmingham.gov.uk ·
Partnerschaft mit Frankfurt am Main (Hessen) seit 1966 und mit Leipzig (Sachsen) seit 1992.

CFS = Community Fi­re Sta­tion (38 stations)

·NORTH BIRMINGHAM DISTRICT· ▷ bei www.wmfs.net/fire-stations ·

Aston CFS 

Erdington CFS

Handsworth CFS

Perry Barr CFS

Ward End CFS

Washwood CFS

·SOUTH BIRMINGHAM DISTRICT· ▷ bei www.wmfs.net/fire-stations ·

Bournbrook CFS

Hay Mills CFS

Highgate CFS

Kings Norton CFS

Ladywood CFS

Northfield CFS

Sheldon CFS

Woodgate Valley CFS


Billesley CFS

·COVENTRY AND SOLIHULL DISTRICT· ▷ bei www.wmfs.net/fire-stations ·

Birminghamwww.birmingham.gov.uk ·
Bickenhill CFS

Binley CFS

Canley CFS

Coventry CFS

Foleshill CFS 

Solihull CFS

·SANDWELL AND DUDLEY DISTRICT· ▷ bei www.wmfs.net/fire-stations ·

Brierley Hill 
Brierley Hill CFS 

Dudley CFS 

Cradley Heath 
Haden Cross CFS 

Oldbury CFS 

Smethwick CFS 

Stourbridge CFS 

Tipton CFS 

West Bromwich
West Bromwich CFS 

·WALSALL AND WOLVERHAMPTON DISTRICT· ▷ bei www.wmfs.net/fire-stations ·

Aldridge CFS 

Bloxwich CFS 

Walsall CFS 

Wednesbury CFS 

Willenhall CFS 

Bilston CFS 

Fallings Park CFS 

Tettenhall CFS 

Wolverhampton CFS ▷ bei www.wmfs.net/fire-stations ·

York­shire and the Hum­ber


Area: __________

Humberside FRSwww.humbersidefire.gov.uk ·

CFS = Com­mu­ni­ty Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·




Area: __________

Lin­coln­shire FRSwww.lincolnshire.gov.uk/lincolnshire-fire-rescue – [FB] [TW] [WI] *1974.
Head­quar­ters: Deep­dale Lane, Net­tle­ham, Lin­coln LN2 2LT

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (36)

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.ukfirestations.co.uk ·

Alford FS

Bardney FS

Billingborough FS

Billinghay FS

Binbrook FS

Boston FS

Bourne FS

Brant Broughton FS

Caistor FS

Corby Glen FS

Crowland FS

Donington FS

Gainsborough FS

Grantham FS

Leverton FS

Lincoln North FS

Lincoln South FS

Long Sutton FS

Louth FS

Mablethorpe FS

Market Deeping FS

Market Rasen FS

Metheringham FS

North Hykeham FS

North Somercotes FS

Saxilby FS

Sha­red Po­lice and Fi­re Sta­tion

Skeg­ness FS

Slea­ford Am­bu­lance and Fi­re Sta­tion

Spalding FS

Spilsby FS

Stamford FS

Waddington FS

Wainfleet FS

Woodhall Spa FS

Wragby FS

North York­shire  

Area: __________

North York­shire Coun­ty Coun­cil ▷ www.northyorks.gov.uk – [WI] *1974.

North Yorkshire FRSwww.northyorksfire.gov.uk ·

Head­quar­ters: Alverton Court, Crosby Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 1FE

Trai­ning Cen­tre: Oaklands Way, Easingwold, York, North Yorkshire YO61 3FA

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion

·PLACES AND Sta­tions· ▷ bei www.syfire.gov.uk ·

Acomb FS

Be­dale FS

Bent­ham FS

Bo­rough­bridge FS

Brough­ton Road FS

Col­burn FS

Dan­by FS

Easing­wold FS

Fi­ley FS

Goath­land FS

Gras­sing­ton FS

Har­ro­gate FS

Hawes FS

Helms­ley FS

Hun­ting­ton FS

Kirk­by­moor­side FS

Knares­bo­rough FS

Ley­burn FS

Loft­house FS

Lythe FS

Mal­ton FS

Ma­sham FS

North­al­ler­ton FS

Pi­cke­ring FS

Reeth FS

Rich­mond FS

Ri­pon FS

Ro­bin Hood's Bay FS

Scar­bo­rough FS

Sel­by FS

Sett­le FS

Stokes­ley FS

Sum­mer­bridge FS

Tad­cas­ter FS

Thirsk FS

Whit­by FS

York FS

South York­shire  

Area: Me­tro­po­li­tan Bo­roughs Barns­ley, Don­cas­ter, Rot­her­ham, Shef­field.

South York­shire Pla­ces ▷ bei www.yorkshire.com – [WI] *1974.

South Yorkshire FRSwww.syfire.gov.uk – [FB] [TW] [WI]

Head­quar­ters | Trai­ning and De­ve­lop­ment | Life­wise Cen­tre:
Beaver Hill Road, Handsworth, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S13 9QA

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (21 sta­tions in 4 dis­tricts).

·Barns­ley Dis­trict· ▷ bei www.syfire.gov.uk ·

Barns­ley FS

Cud­worth FS

Pe­ni­stone FS

Tan­kers­ley FS

·Don­cas­ter Dis­trict· ▷ bei www.syfire.gov.uk ·

Ad­wick-le-street FS

As­kern FS

Don­cas­ter FS

Ed­ling­ton FS

Ros­sing­ton FS

Thorne FS

·Ro­ther­ham Dis­trict· ▷ bei www.syfire.gov.uk ·

As­ton Park FS

Dearne FS

Malt­by FS

Rotherham FS

·Shef­field Dis­trict· ▷ bei www.syfire.gov.uk ·

Bir­ley Moor FS

Shef­field Cen­tral FS

Elm Lane FS

Low­ed­ges FS

Park­way FS

Ri­ve­lin FS

Stocks­bridge FS

West York­shire  

Area: Brad­ford, Cal­der­dale, Kirk­lees, Leeds, Wake­field – [WI] *1974.

West York­shire FRSwww.westyorksfire.gov.uk – [FB] [TW] [WI] *1974.
Head­quar­ters: Oakroyd Hall, Bradford, United Kingdom, Tel. +44-1274-682311

Berichte/Fotos ▷ bei www.leeds-live.co.uk ·

FS = Fi­re Sta­tion (36 sta­tions in 5 districts).

·Brad­ford Dis­trict·www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/bradford-district ·

Bing­leywww.bingley-online.co.uk ·
Bing­ley FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk – [FZ] *1972.
Keigh­ley Road, Bing­ley, Brad­ford BD16 2RD

Part­ner­schaft mit Hamm seit 1976 und mit Mön­chen­glad­bach seit 1971 (NRW).

Brad­ford FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk – [FZ]

Fair­wea­ther Green 
Fair­wea­ther Green FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk – [FZ]

Ilk­ley FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk ·

Keigh­ley FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk ·

Od­sal FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk ·

Ship­ley FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk ·

Sils­den FS ▷ bei www.westyorksfire.gov.uk – [FB] *1973.

·Cal­der­dale Dis­trict·www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/calderdale-district ·

Ha­li­faxwww.halifax.co.uk – [WI
Part­ner­schaft mit Aa­chen (Städ­te­re­gi­on Aa­chen) seit 1979 und mit Lü­den­scheid (Mär­ki­scher Kreis) seit 1950 (NRW).

Ha­li­fax FS

Heb­den Royd 
Part­ner­schaft mit War­stein (Kreis Soest, NRW) seit 1995.

Il­ling­worth FS

My­tholm­royd FS

Ras­trick FS

Tod­mor­den FS

·Kirk­lees Dis­trict·www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/kirklees-district ·
Part­ner­schaft mit dem Kreis Un­na, NRW) seit 1967.

Part­ner­schaft mit mit Lü­den­scheid (Mär­ki­scher Kreis, NRW) seit 1950.

Cleck­hea­ton FS

Colne Val­ley 
Part­ner­schaft mit mit Ove­rath (Rhei­nisch-Ber­gi­scher Kreis, NRW).

Dews­bu­ry FS

Holm­firth FS

Hud­ders­field FS

Mel­tham FS

Mir­field FS

Skel­man­thorpe FS

Slaith­waite FS

·Leeds Dis­trict·www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/leeds-district ·

Cook­ridge FS

Gar­forth FS

Huns­let FS

Kil­ling­beck FS

Part­ner­schaft mit Dort­mund seit 1969 und mit Sie­gen (Kreis Sie­gen-Witt­gen­stein) seit 1966 (NRW).

Leeds FS

Moor­town FS

Mor­ley FS

Ot­ley FS

Raw­don FS

Roth­well FS

Stan­ning­ley FS

We­ther­by FS

·Wake­field Dis­trict·www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/wakefield-district ·

Cas­tle­ford FS

Fea­ther­stone FS

Nor­man­ton FS

Os­sett FS

Pon­te­fract FS

South Elm­sall 
Part­ner­schaft mit Wet­ter an der Ruhr (En­ne­pe-Ruhr-Kreis, NRW) seit 2000.

South Kirk­by 
Part­ner­schaft mit Sprock­hö­vel (En­ne­pe-Ruhr-Kreis, NRW) seit 1981.

South Kirk­by FS

Part­ner­schaft mit Cas­trop-Rau­xel (Kreis Reck­ling­hau­sen) und mit Her­ne (NRW).

Wake­field FS



Hilfs- und Ret­tungs­or­ga­ni­sa­tio­nen

Bri­tish Red Cross ▷ www.redcross.org.uk – [FB] [IN] [LI] [TT] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1870.

East of Eng­land Am­bu­lance Ser­vice ▷ www.eastamb.nhs.uk – [FB] [IN] [TW] [YT] *2006.

Ma­ri­time and Coast­guard Agen­cy ▷ www.gov.uk/government/organisations ·


Police in the UK ▷ www.police.uk – [WI]

Wi­ki­pe­dia ▷ Polizei in England.

East Mid­lands  

East of England  

Grea­ter Lon­don  

North East England  

North West England  

South East England  

South West England  

West Midlands  

York­shire and the Hum­ber  


. . .

Pres­se und Me­di­en

Wikipedia ▷ Zeitungen im Vereinigten Königreich.

Dai­ly Ex­press ▷ www.express.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] *1900.

Dai­ly Mail ▷ www.dailymail.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [PI] [SC] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1896.

Dai­ly Mir­ror ▷ www.mirror.co.uk – [FB] [IN] [PI] [TT] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1903.

Dai­ly Re­cord (Schott­land)www.dailyrecord.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1895.

Dai­ly Star ▷ www.dailystar.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TT] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1978.

Don­ces­ter Free Press ▷ www.doncasterfreepress.co.uk – [FB] [WI] *1925.

Eve­ning Stan­dard (Lon­don)www.standard.co.uk – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1827.

Fi­nan­cial Times ▷ www.ft.comFire Service – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1888.

Mor­ning Star ▷ www.morningstaronline.co.uk – [WI] *1930.

South York­shire Times ▷ www.doncasterfreepress.co.uk – [FB]

The Dai­ly Te­le­graph ▷ www.telegraph.co.uk – [FB] [IN] [LI] [SC] [WI] [YT] *1855.

The Guar­di­an ▷ www.theguardian.com – [FB] [IN] [LI] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1821.

The He­rald (Schott­land)www.heraldscotland.comFire Service – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] *1783.

The In­de­pen­dent ▷ www.independent.co.uk⌕Fire Service – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1986.

The Na­tio­nal (Schott­land)www.thenational.scot – [FB] [IN] [TW] [WI] [YT] *2014.

The Ob­ser­ver ▷ www.theguardian.com/observer – [WI] *1791.

The Scots­man ▷ www.scotsman.com – [FB] [TW] [WI] *1817.

The Sun ▷ www.thesun.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [WI] [YT] *1964.

The Times (Lon­don)www.thetimes.co.ukFire Service – [FB] [TW] [WI] [YT] *1785.

·PRESSREADER·Ver­ei­nig­tes Kö­nig­reich.


Ver­ei­nig­tes Kö­nig­reichEng­land | Lon­don | Schott­land | Wales | Nord­ir­land
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